MRI in Radiotherapy and MR-Linac course
This course is intended for radiation oncologists, radiologists, residents, medical physicists, and radiation therapists/technologists who want to learn about the application of MRI for radiotherapy.

Course format
This is an online course. Most of the content will be offered as e-learning modules and/or recorded lectures. These will be made available through at the start of the course and can be followed at your own convenience.
Course content
General modules on the basics of MR physics, and theory on commonly-used MR techniques. The physics of an MR-Linac, e.g. system design, commissioning, QA. Additionally, a wide range of clinical radiotherapy applications will be presented for both MR-based conventional linac treatments as well as MR-Linac workflows.
Interactive sessions
The course will start with a live introduction and presentation. Following this we will help you get set up for the course. In the following weeks there will be:
- Additional live presentations.
- Opportunities for interaction in dedicated Q&A sessions.
- Workshops where you will discuss some of the challenges of implementing MRI and MR-Linac workflows among your peers.
Delineation sessions
Some of our expert radiation oncologists (prostate and head&neck) will demonstrate how they use MRI images to delineate all relevant structures. You will have the opportunity to delineate MRI images yourself on a web-based delineation platform.
Optional content: Introduction to MRI protocol development (hosted by Philips)
This module is aimed at (potential) users of the Philips platform and will be hosted by Philips Healthcare. It will cover some background of Philips MR protocols and will be centered around practical sessions on MR simulators working with MR protocols. Participants will be able to familiarize themselves with the user interface and learn about the function and interactions of several key parameters in the protocols.
This module is best suited for radiation therapists/technologists and physicists.
The module is 2 sessions of ~2,5 hours and will be offered at 2 different timeslots:
Timeslot 1: 23/3 & 24/3, 9:30 – 12:00 (CET)
Timeslot 2: 23/3 & 24/3, 15:00 – 17:30 (CET)
Bonus content: face-to-face session in Utrecht
This bonus session is for anyone who can, and wishes to, attend locally. Whether it proceeds or not is entirely dependent on the UMC Utrecht Covid policy at that time. The face-to-face session will be a single day during the course (March 25).
Additional information
All live sessions will be recorded and made available through Registrants will receive instructions on how to register for prior to the start of the course.
The estimated time burden for the complete course is 30-40 hours.
For the latest information and a preliminary program, see
Registration through the UMC Utrecht webshop.