
Medicine Student Richard Horenberg (Studying without Limitations) Receives Diversity & Inclusion Award

Winner of the Diversity and Inclusion Award

Commitment and Enthusiasm

The assessment committee of the Diversity & Inclusion Award was very impressed by Richard's selfless dedication, in addition to his medical studies. The nomination shows his tireless enthusiasm and unwavering commitment to students with disabilities. For these reasons, according to the committee members, he is an absolute role model, together with the other members of the Studying without Limitations. Richard and the other members of the Studying without Limitations Pare therefore the winners of the first Diversity & Inclusion Award.


In 2017, Richard, together with a fellow student, researched the satisfaction of students with a disability with the available facilities and supervision at Utrecht University. This resulted in the Studying without Limitations, which currently consists of Denise Langreder, Soete Meertens, Eline Kruithof, Annemarijn Douwes, Sophia Bats and Richard Horenberg (chair). Studying without Limitations contributes in a unique way to raising awareness of accessibility issues at UU. This is done, among other things, by informing and advising students with a disability, by making experiences open to discussion, and by advising UU on policy development. Studying without Limitations has also launched a buddy program in 2018, in which students with a disability are linked to a fellow student (buddy) who will help guide them.

Diversity & Inclusion Award

Studying without Limitations won €2,500 to be spent within UU on diversity and inclusion. The Diversity & Inclusion Award was created to draw attention to and express appreciation for the many initiatives the students and staff make towards diverse and inclusive.

The assessment committee (consisting of 3 members of the Diversity Task Force headed by the Dean of the Faculty of Science, Isabel Arends) has received a total of 9 nominations. All nominated initiatives are assessed on the renewal value, continuity, and connecting qualities of the efforts made. During the assessment, attention was also paid to the extent the nominated initiative aligned with the Strategic Plan 2016-2020 and the action list of the Diversity Task Force.


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