Education Seminar 2019: Inclusive education

This day's keynote was given by Dr. Gönül Dilaver, discussing the importance of inclusive education. With a lot of interaction from the public, various challenges have been dealt with and together we have come to beautiful new insights about how we can improve our education.
The second half of the day consisted of workshops. Three workshops were held in parallel. Dr. Jan D. ten Thije gave a workshop on ‘Intercultural Awareness’, something that is very important in our international masters. Dr. Kristin Denzer gave a workshop on ‘Teaching in Dutch Aacademia: Cchallenges for Iinternational Rresearchers’. Siema Ramdas from VU University gave a workshop on ‘Diversity in the Classroom’, where she discussed the added value of diversity in the classroom.
The Best Masters Course Award was awarded to ‘Advanced Bioinformatics: Data Mining and Data Integration for Life Sciences’, from the Cancer, Stem Cells and Developmental Biology programme at the UMC Utrecht.