
Education Colloquium: Unlimited Studying - what can you do as a teachers?

Thursday 26 March 2020
12.00 – 13.30 uur (including lunch)

Lecture hall Micaffé, Stratenum, first floor
Application is closed

Are you curious about what you can do as a teacher to help students with disabilities? The students of Studying without Limitations (Onbeperkt Studeren) are happy to share some of their ideas! The purpose of this meeting is to give you as a teacher tools to help remove obstacles for students with disabilities.

During the Education Colloquium you can talk to students from the platform along with a study advisor. You can hear stories from students about their first-hand experiences studying with a disability, while the study advisor is able to inform you about what is allowed as a teacher and what possibilities the organisation has to offers.

Studying without Limitation

Studying without Limitations is a platform for and by students with disabilities. In 2019, they won the Special Social Merit Award of Utrecht University. The Diversity and Inclusion Platform at UMC Utrecht has invited these students to share their experiences about studying with a disability.

Join us, Thursday, 26 March 2020 to learn more!

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